Teaser prototype app for my foraging website: The Foraged Foodie.
Because this is a teaser, only the first flow is interactive, showing the log-in and sign-up screens, informational slides, the primary menu, and one full interactive experience for beginner-level plant: "Cleavers". 
Adobe Xd interactive experience above, or view selected panels as jpegs below. 
Scroll down to see the complete flow as an Xd preview.

These welcome screens are accessible at any time using the hamburger menu at the top left
One of the main decorative elements in the app is images in a box with two rounded corners, which creates a shape evocative of a leaf.
The menu can be accessed anytime via the menu icon on every page. 
Once on the menu, the user can return to the welcome messaging or disclaimer, or navigate through the identification tips, organized by plants and mushrooms, and sub categorized by forager skill level. 
The “For beginner foragers” under “Edible wild plants” brings the user to the middle screen, with a sampling of some key information about common species. The question mark icon would bring the user to an explanation of what “beginner level” foraging is.
Clicking on a species brings you to the species identification page, the “Cleavers” identification example is shown at the right.

"Flow 1" for main interaction and cleavers, Adobe XD preview

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